PicoSure® Laser

What Makes PicoSure® Laser Unique?
Breakthrough PicoSure Laser- Skin Renewal Treatment – without surgery or downtime. Original PicoSure Laser named “ADVANCED RESULTS- SKIN LASER” in Malaysia. PicoSure is the world’s first picosecond aesthetic laser, widely recognised for its technology leadership, proven performance and industry leading body of evidence. Capable of skin revitalization with virtually NO DOWNTIME, it is a unique practice addition that will make patients and physicians happy.
Unlike most other picosecond devices, PicoSure utilizes a 755nm wavelength that naturally targets melanin and is less absorbed in blood compared to the more common 1064nm. In trillionths of a second, the 755nm energy relies less on the photothermal action of a longer pulsed devices, instead creating an intense photomechanical impact. This spares skin of high thermal damage and results in greater disruption of the target chromophore for better clearance with fewer treatments using less energy.
How Does PicoSure® Works?
PicoSure works in harmony with your skin to lighten pigmentation such as freckles, sun damage and more. It breaks up the tiny particles that make up these discolorations. The particles are then absorbed into the skin.
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